Lavender Bouquet
Lavender Bouquet
Δεν ήταν δυνατή η φόρτωση της διαθεσιμότητας παραλαβής
This Lavender Bouquet features freshly dried lavender that is sure to bring a calming and soothing feeling to any room. The bouquet is perfectly designed to accentuate any space with its subtle purple hue. Enjoy the natural and soft scent of lavender without the hassle.
A bouquet of dried lavender approx. 50 pieces to decorate any room in your home. Choose any size of our vases for your bouquet.
product name
colornatural purple colorsize40-45cm
By buying this bundle you hereby by acknowledge that:
— color, size, length, and shape of each piece in your bundle may vary.
— do not water your dried bouquet or place it in water once it arrives.
— the color may vary between each of the plumes in your order. there is no way to get each color to be exactly the same from one another -
By buying this bundle you hereby by acknowledge that:
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Free Shipping
For Greece:
Free Shipping on all orders over 50€.
Standard shipping for orders under 50€ is 3€.
Shipping takes 1-4 business days.
Cash on Delivery Payment has an extra cost of2€.
Hassle-Free Exchanges
It is very easy to return something you have bought.
- Return to store : To return your product, you should bring your product to: Dimitrakopoulou 65-67, 11742 Athens.
- Returns through courier : If you cannot return your order to our concept store you can send it through courier to us to get your refund. All postage costs must be covered by the customer, unless the garment is faulty.